Articles in Photo Gallery
Bodies at Suhi Waiting to be ID’d

I did a rough count and came up with a figure of about 1,400 bodies in this field. It’s located at a government department of health office in Suhi about 15 or 20 kilometers north of Tacloban City. These were all victims of super typhoon Yolanda, which struck this area on November 8, 2013. I had spent some time with the Bureau of Fire Protection …
Super Typhoon Yolanda Destruction in Tacloban

These photos were all taken in and around the city of Tacloban on the island of Leyte in the Philippines nearly two months after super typhoon Yolanda struck on November 8, 2013. By this point, much of the debris had been removed from the shoreline communities and streets and people had begun rebuilding their homes and communities. The houses along the shoreline were a mixture …