The assembled bike before I put it in the box.
Revoved rear pannier rack and kickstand.
Removed handlebars, pedals, mirros, and the seat. Tied handlebars to the bike.
Removed wheels. Took quick relesase levers out of wheels.
Trying to get a feel for how the bike will go into the box. Covering up the rear derailleur.
Removed front pannier rack. Tying the wheels to the frame with straps.
Trying to get everything to fit in such a way that it won’t get damaged.
Bike is inside the box. All the bits and bobs wrapped up with cloth and plastic.
My basic tool kit with some spare parts.
My bike never fits that well into a bike box. This bike box is oversized, though.
I have trouble sometimes when it comes to visualizing the rear derailleur when I reassemble the bike. I take pictures to help me.
I have trouble sometimes when it comes to visualizing the rear derailleur when I reassemble the bike. I take pictures to help me.
I take pictures to remember how things fit together.
Tools for the bike.
Looking proud of my work.
A bit tired and sweaty, but the bike is in the box and ready for the airport. It’s a very, very, very heavy and unwieldy box.
Tags: bike, Philippines Bike Trip 2013