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Articles tagged with: Debre Markos

038 – Slowing Down and Taking Pictures

November 9, 1998 – 8:53 pm
Tiru Gondar Sons_opt

Debre Markos was more complicated than most of the towns I’d passed through and it wasn’t entirely clear which road was the one that led out of town and headed north. I stopped to question a group of young boys, but they all pointed in different directions and I left them still arguing amongst themselves. The men wrapped up tightly in their shammas against the …

037 – Debre Markos

November 8, 1998 – 10:42 pm
Tiru Gondar Sons_opt

A Close Look at my Tormenters
The next day’s cycling passed in what had become a familiar pattern. There were some enjoyable moments. These tended to be the ones where I could block out the children. And there were the not so enjoyable ones when I turned into the raving lunatic. I got so distraught I could have fallen to my knees and pleaded with them …

032 – Addis Abeba to Sululta

November 3, 1998 – 10:00 pm
Tiru Gondar Sons_opt

Traveller as Hunter-Gatherer
I took it slow when I finally dragged myself out of bed. I had no definite destination for that day. My goal was simply to break the inertia that had started to grip me while waiting for the rainy season to end. Even if I only made it to the far side of Addis and slept in a new hotel it would be …